Fysioterapeut Orvin Sille

  • Fysioterapeut
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Orvin Sillé is originally from The Netherlands Antilles, which is part of the Dutch Kingdom but moved to the Netherlands in the early eighties. In the Netherlands he earned his bachelor in physiotherapy and has been working the past couple of years as a therapist in The Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, as well as in Norway. Orvin is also a personal trainer with a speciality in medical training and has dedicated the past 14 years to rehab training.
In 2006 Orvin has earned his massage degree after 1 year of full study and has been working as a massagetherapist in many countries.
Orvin believes in a healthy body that not only is free of disease or injury, but has as well a healthy mind and soul.
Bachelor in Physiotherapy
Sportmassage, rehab training and prevention
Medical Rehab Training
All around fitness trianer
Sports and medical taping
Dry needling


Oslo Kiropraktikk Kirkeveien 61

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